I must be honest, I rarely share “GoFundMe” pages. Matter of fact, this is probably the first – and by far the most personal – “GoFundMe” I’ve ever shared. Aria, Cam, and I have a great love for the Salgado family. Patience and Jorge entered our lives at the beginning of our relationship and have been so loving and amazing to us – as they are to everyone they have ever met.

We’ve recently learned that the Salgado family has joined a club that Aria and I are members of but we truly wish no one was. It’s the club of parents that have a child that has been diagnosed with cancer. Aria and I know first-hand that this type of diagnosis is a true shock to anyone’s system. We also know how much love and support is needed during these early and unpredictable days.

Please read the messages below and visit the “GoFundMe” page. Every little bit helps. #WESEEIT

Click this link to visit the “GoFundMe” page. Please do all you can to support this beautiful family. #JamieTheBrave

Again, please visit the “GoFundMe” page and support the best way you can.

Written by CheatsMovement
The intersection of hip-hop culture, politics, and community activity.