I know that I normally spotlight MCs from Richmond, but the truth is I need to expand my range because dope music is coming from all over the state, and country for that matter. Also, it’s important to note that Intalek (and Aspire to Inspire crew ) is like extended family to The Cheats Movement, as much as he takes the trip up I64, how could he not be.

Intalek is one of the most talented MCs I’ve ever witnessed. (If I were tweeting – that’s it – that’s the tweet.) I’ve never seen him have an off night. Rhyming appears to be like breathing to him, second nature. He’s also a CEO and natural leader. He has put on for Virginia Beach for a long time now. Intalek is the definition of pure hip-hop.

His latest single represents hip-hop in its purest form. S. Class flipped the ’93 Queen Latifah classic “U.N.I.T.Y.” (the ’93 beat produced by Kay Gee, sampled “A Message From The Inner City 1972 by The Crusaders) and Intalek murdered the flow which paid homage to beautiful Black women. An emphatic exclamation point is put on the track by spoken word artist Beautiful Dizaster. #WESEEIT

Written by CheatsMovement
The intersection of hip-hop culture, politics, and community activity.