Remember when a monument of Arthur Ashe was going to ruin Monument Avenue? Funny how the world works: Ashe may be the only monument that survives. I took a quick walk down Monument Avenue this morning to survey the aftermath of last night’s demonstrations. I took a few photos and then called the project off.

Despite the large crowds you have seen protesting across the county and phased re-openings of public spaces, COVID-19 is very real, and, this morning, there were just too many people out for me to feel comfortable.

There is also another reason that I didn’t take many photos this morning: my spirit. Traveling down Broad Street and Grace Street early this morning, my spirit told me just to receive the moment. There will be plenty more photos to take when you feel moved and motivated to take them. Simply put: I didn’t feel it today.

Written by CheatsMovement
The intersection of hip-hop culture, politics, and community activity.