Sometimes I try to convince myself that these types of posts are not needed. I try to convince myself that nobody who follows my blog needs to see this. I grapple with – is this post just a vanity play for the person posting it (in this case, me), or is it really important for others.

I debate these things, and then I read the news. Or I talk with a few friends who have been personally impacted by this wave of bigotry and hatred. What is happening right now is disgusting and disturbing, and to some, it’s new.

Unfortunately, for a lot of people, this is just a continuation of what America is. To a lot of people, it is just the unearthing of what has been under the surface for far too long.

The recent wave of violence towards the Asian community is horrific. I only hope that awareness brings change, education, understanding, and action to stop hatred towards our Asian community.

#stopasianhate #weseeit

Written by CheatsMovement
The intersection of hip-hop culture, politics, and community activity.