Happy Monday Family! Let’s get this going.

NBA free agency has been amazing since the clock struck midnight on July 1. First, it was Paul George staying in OKC with a 4-year deal. Then it was Chris Paul staying in Houston. Then a bunch of other lower level deals (including Kanter staying with my Knicks). And last night the news broke that King James is headed to “Showtime.” Honestly, I’m happy for LeBron. What more can that man do? I’m excited for him because he is searching for happiness at the end of his career and the L.A. spotlight will allow him to forward his message of social justice and his passion for producing films. I am not a Lakers fan. I’m a Knicks fan. I don’t think LeBron will win a championship in the western conference. If he does, it will be his hardest road yet, it won’t be bigger than winning in Cleveland, nothing will. However, I think he has earned the right to chart his own course in the NBA like no other human being and if that means going to LA – congrats King James.

Moving On: Speaking of losing a championship, my beloved Richmond Roughriders blew a championship Saturday night at the Coliseum. There is no other way to say it. We were up 43-26 at the half. The first half was an epic shootout that we gain the upper hand lead bout QB Robert Kent. But cramps may have caused our demise. Yes, cramps. Our QB Kent was suffering from cramps so Coach Zimmerman started former Virginia Tech QB Bryan Randall in the second half. Randell’s first pass was an interception. And Randell’s third pass was an interception. Atlanta scored 32 unanswered points. The first half momentum was dead. Kent came back in the game and tossed 3 more interceptions. We lost 50-58. Heartbreaking.

The future of the Roughriders, like the future of the Coliseum, is a little uncertain at this time. Becoming a Roughriders fan this season has been one of the best fan experiences I’ve ever had in Richmond. I went to just about every game with my Dad and that alone made the games legendary. Getting to meet some of the players and interviewing both Coach Zimmerman and Jim Jones, I can say first-hand that we have a Class A, championship, organization. The Richmond Roughriders are a true asset to Richmond. I hope they are here for years to come – just without Randall. He needs to hang it up.

Roughriders games have been a family affair. I’m with my big bro Mike – forgive the Cowboys hat. 

Moving On: Family, how is GRTC Pulse doing? All the free rides are over so I may actually ride it this week. I’ve heard mix reviews regarding the timing but let me know, is PULSE fulfilling its mission?

Moving On: On Friday, the U.S. Senate’s three black members introduced a bill that would make lynchings a federal hate crime. Democrats Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and Republican Tim Scott all co-sponsored the bill. Of course, I support this bill. It makes me wonder, why isn’t lynching a hate crime already, wow. Under the bill, lynching would be punishable by a sentence of up to life in prison. The measure would not preclude murder charges that can already be brought under existing law.

Moving On: Over the weekend, I got the word that my friend Daniel Plauger is considering another run for the Henrico County, Brookland District, Board of Supervisors. I’ve known Daniel since VCU and have voted for him in the past. I live in the Brookland District. I’m saddened by Courtney Lynch’s decision to move on. I really liked Lynch and interviewed her on the first episode of The Cheats Movement on WRIR but she is moving on and we need a good legislator in that seat. I like Daniel and will gladly support him.

Finally, don’t ask me about “Power” premiere. I haven’t seen it yet. I’m trying my best to avoid all the spoilers. RIP Raina.

Reminder, the Cheats Movement on WRIR is back on the radio this Tuesday at 11 AM. The episode will feature Diplomats’ Jim Jones and journalist and best-selling author Toure. Please tune-in on Tuesday at 11 AM on WRIR 97.3 FM or listen at WRIR.org.

Written by CheatsMovement
The intersection of hip-hop culture, politics, and community activity.