Following last year’s Cerebrate album, Bobby Fresh is continuing to increase his music output in 2021. The esoteric one has a new track “Glorious” featuring Michael Millions.

I asked Fresh how the track came together. “I ran across a producer online from Poland. When I heard the beat, I just had the word glorious stuck in my head,” Fresh said. “I called Mike as I was writing the song. Mike and I have had devote conversations about Ferraris. I asked him to record at his crib and to jump on the track. As usual, we talked for hours, but it only took about 30 minutes to record the track. The song’s context is a reflection of conversations Mike and I have had for years, just being friends. Mike bodied his verse.” #WESEEIT

Written by CheatsMovement
The intersection of hip-hop culture, politics, and community activity.